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Formula E Racekalender van 2018

Formula E 2017/2018

03-12 HKT Hong Kong E-Prix (R1+R2) Streets of Hong Kong China
13-01 2018 Marrakesh E-Prix (R3) Circuit Moulay El Hassan Marokko    
03-02 Antofagasta Minerals Santiago E-Prix (R4) Streets of Santiago Chili    
03-03 Mexico City E-Prix (R5) Autodrome Hermanos Rodriquez Mexico  
17-03 Sao Paulo E-Prix (R6) Streets of Sao Paulo Brazilië  
14-04 Rome E-Prix (R7) Streets of Rome Italië    
28-04 Qatar Airways Paris E-Prix Circuit (R8) Streets of Paris Frankrijk    
19-05 Berlin E-Prix (R9) Streets of Berlin Duitsland
10-06 Zurich E-Prix (R10) Streets of Zurich Zwitserland  
15-07 New York City E-Prix (R11+12) Streets of New York Verenigde Staten